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Embark on the Journey: "Even(t) For Us" - A New Chapter for Inclusion in Sports!

Welcome to the inaugural blog post of "even(t) for us"! Today, we open the doors to an exciting adventure dedicated to inclusion, diversity, and change in sports. Our project is a journey that brings together passion and gender equality, aiming to redefine the sports landscape and open doors to new opportunities for young women and men.

Breaking Stereotypes

In sports, as in many other aspects of life, gender stereotypes can create significant barriers. "even(t) for us" is born with the intent to challenge these conventions, break down barriers, and pave the way for a new era of inclusion. We extend our invitation to all who believe that sports should be a fair and accessible playing field for every gender.

A Unique Experience for the Youth

Our project aims to provide young people with a unique experience in the world of sports. With the involvement of sports associations, industry professionals, and passionate youth, we intend to demonstrate that sports are much more than just a playing field. It's a fertile ground for personal, professional, and social growth.

From Overcoming Stereotypes to Creating Professional Opportunities

Through training, awareness, and hands-on experience, we want to overcome gender stereotypes deeply rooted in sports. From informational documents on gender equality to practical guides on organizing local sports events, our project offers resources that can be utilized by associations, youth, and anyone wishing to contribute to change.

We Are a Community of Change

Our blog will be the space where we share stories, news, and updates about "even(t) for us." It will be a place to reflect, be inspired, and, most importantly, take action. We are a community of change, and we invite each of you to join us in this extraordinary journey.

Get Ready to Revolutionize Sports: "even(t) for us" is Here!

It's time to embark on this journey together. Get ready to challenge expectations, break stereotypes, and create a more inclusive future for everyone in sports. "even(t) for us" is here, and our invitation is open to all who want to be part of this sports revolution.

e4u is a project co-funded by the European Union.

We look forward to sharing this adventure with you. Be ready for change, because together, we can make a difference!


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