Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Main goal:
Promote an innovative approach to outdoor sport, promoting the social benefits of an active life, aimed at a target audience with a fragile socio-economic profile, employability tools through sport, nature and tourism.
Specific objectives:
1: Promote the benefits of outdoor sports for quality of life in conjunction with nature and environmental sustainability practices.
2: Transfer new skills and knowledge to those involved, coming from a fragile socio-economic environment, in order to be able to develop skills for the possibility of employability in outdoor sport.
3: Encourage entities participating in the process to take an interactive and creative approach to outdoor sports, promoting walking, hiking and trail trails in geographically peripheral and outermost areas of Europe.
Online Launch Meeting
Transnational Meeting
Local Meeting Portugal
Local Meeting Italy
Local Meeting Bulgaria
Transnational Main Event São Miguel – Azores
Local dissemination action Portugal
Local dissemination action Italy
Local dissemination action Bulgaria
Final Online Meeting Participation of all partners in the meeting.
Attainable Result
Project website
Social Media Content | Graphic Identity | Infographic
Choice of participants in the main event after individual interview
Tutorial videos on basic Trail techniques | Warm-up exercise videos; strengthening, cooling and stretching
Activity reports
Sport and Tourism;
Sport and Nature;
Sports and Nautical Activities.
Reports (educational plan, business plan).
Video report
Roadmap for working in outdoor sports Participation in the event by selected participants.
Realistic Measure Measurable
Online and functional website
Participation in the meeting by 2 members of the partnership
Material created and shared between partners
5 participants per entity from the project's target audience
Creation of graphic material, video and reports.
Share project results through all communication channels shared in point 3 of the project.