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Non formal Education

To talk about the importance of the NON FORMAL EDUCATION methods, we have to define the difference between Formal, Non-Formal and Informale learning methods:

  • Formal learning: this kind of learning takes place in an organized and structured context (in a school / training institution), is explicitly conceived and designed as learning and leads to some form of certification.

  • Non-formal learning: is connected to activities planned but not explicitly designed as learning (not provided by an educational institution, for example training course of associations, youth clubs).

  • Informal learning: the multiple forms of learning through the experience resulting from the activities of daily life related to work, family, leisure, is not organized or structured and does not lead to certification (for example, membership).

Non formal eductaion is powerfull compared the other if we need to put together people with different background (cultural, linguistic, economics, ages, experiences…) and ask them to follow a training course reguarding one topic.

Non formal education use many escamotages to put them together and to ensure great results for all the participats.

Non-formal learning activities take place on a voluntary basis and are useful for fostering the personal, social and professional development of the participants.

Non formal education is one of the Erasmus+ Pillars.

In Europe, most citizens have received some form of schooling in their lives. This formal school education is generally based on a "vertical" relationship between student and teacher: the one who possesses the knowledge and transmits it (teacher) and the one who receives it (learner). Non-formal education, on the other hand, can be explained with the formula "learning by doing", or learning directly in the field. The learning methodology consists of the interaction between learners and the concrete situations they experience. There are no teachers who give ex-cathedra lessons: young people, youth workers, and educators (trainers) develop knowledge and skills together in a "horizontal" relationship.

The principles of non-formal learning are:

  • Use of participatory methods centred on the learner

  • Design according to the interests of young people

  • The evaluation of failure or success is never individual but collective

  • Made mistakes is a right!

  • Made in environments and situations where training and learning are not the only activity.

  • The learning environment must make the participants comfortable

  • The activities are led by learning facilitators, both professionals and volunteers

  • Activities are planned according to objectives and target specific target groups

  • The participatory methodologies used in non-formal education are closely linked to the objectives that you intend to achieve through your project

  • is a democratic way to face learning process


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