Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
General objective:
Break down the barriers women face to adopting active and healthy lifestyles that may make them feel like being physically active is not for them.
Specific objectives:
1. Raise awareness of the benefits of adopting active and healthy lifestyles, linking the management of family, personal and
professional life, as a way of promoting self-knowledge, self regulation and self care in the search for physical, mental and social well-being, for women.
2. Raise awareness about the importance of physical activity for women&health, through communication campaigns through posters, pamphlets and brochures, and social media.
3. Improve the way women feel about physical activity, encouraging them to discover their own way of being active, regardless of age, background, or physical ability, promoting the sharing of success
4. Create training mechanisms through the construction of physical and digital programs dedicated to women, which allow them to offer physical and sporting activities which counteract the phenomenon of their inactivity.
1. Transnational meeting
2. Questionnaires 200 women (100 PT 100 IT)
3. Online Meeting
4. 8 workshops (4 PT + 4 IT)
5. 48 presential sessions (24 PT + 24 IT) 12 weeks
6. 12 online workouts
7. European week of sport event
8. Transnational meeting Lisbon
9. SHEMOVES seminar
1. Website and logo
2. Questionnaire Results
3. Workshop Cycle Report
4. Communication Campaign - posters, flyers, social
5. media pages, local, regional and national press, and the project's official website
6. Digital communication campaign, sharing images and videos,
producing content, and disseminating educational messages about the theme of Sport and Women.
7. Workouts catalogue (presential + online)
8. Video report of the European Week of Sport event with educational
messages and activities. (Storytelling by 10 women)
9. Guidebook Recommendations